Keeping your heart healthy is simple when you look at the big ... hints for a way of life that makes you feel great while it strengthens your heart.

Did you know that according to the World Health Organization, an estimated 12 million people worldwide die each year from heart related diseases and paralysis? Heart disease is a major cause of death worldwide. But it is also important to note that much can be done to prevent this disease. 

10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Heart

World over, people usually takes cholesterol pills to prevent this disease, which costing billions of dollars annually. Moreover, 736 million (2015 estimate) poor people of the world cannot afford this expensive treatment for heart diseases.

In these circumstances, it is natural to accept the phrase, "Prevention is better than cure." Before we learn how to avoid heart diseases, let's have a simple understanding of types of heart disease.

Types of Heart Diseases

(1) Atherosclerotic Disease

In this type of heart disease, layers of fat, calcium, cholesterol, etc. accumulate in the arteries and block the blood flow.

(2) Cardiac Arrhythmia

In this type, the rate of beating the heart becomes too high or too low.

(3) Heart Valve Disease

The human heart consist four valves. In this type of disease the valve is surrounded by two types of problems. The first problem is that the blood flow in the valve is partially blocked (called stenosis) while in the second problem the blood flow from the valve starts leaking and turns in a direction other than the specific one.

(4) Heart Infections

This problem usually affects people over 60 years of age. In which there is an infection in the heart, causing swelling on the valves and arteries. Swelling often occurs on the internal heart muscles.

(5) Heart Failure

Heart failure simply means the blood supply to the human body stops. This is the widely known problem of heart disease, and also the most fatal one.

After knowing the above details, let's look at the following simple tips that will help you to avoid a heart related diseases. 

Ten amazing tips:

(1) Eat Mediterranean Food

According to a survey, people living in countries around the Mediterranean have a much lower rate of heart disease than others. The people there eat vegetables, fish, garlic, olive oil and often drinks a little red wine. You don't need to be a European to follow  European principles in the diet.

2) Eat Tomatoes

Eat plenty of tomatoes. The reddish color found in tomatoes is due to the Lycopene in them. Tomatoes are strong antioxidant. In addition, research has shown that tomatoes help lower blood pressure and C-reactive protein, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

3) Laugh

An experiment was performed with few volunteers. These volunteers were shown Funny videos.Volunteers who laughed at these funny videos found with relieved blood vessels. Laughter lowers blood pressure, as it relieves stress. So find a way to laugh now and then. So, Laugh and make people laugh with you.

4) Include Fiber in Diet

Use plenty of fiber in the diet. It is well known that fiber is very useful for the intestines and for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Eat a diet rich in fiber, a diet rich in fiber helps to keep the heart healthy.

5) OK to exercise little but do it regularly 

Usually people don't exercise in today's race. It is harmful to health. Even if a little exercise is done according to the convenience of the person, it should be done regularly. Let's do a very good exercise. Get up and walk 100 steps. Do this often. One of the best exercise is yoga, in which you can do various Asanas. Moreover, in yoga itself, sun salutation has been the basis of life since ancient times. Do it. Don’t know how to perform the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Don’t worry, you can follow the link below: 

Surya Namaskar a classical form of Yoga

6) Take a Sun bath

The Sun is the basis of life on Earth. Nature uses the power of the Sun. The human body gets vitamin D from the sun's rays. Did you know that people with low levels of vitamin D are more susceptible to heart disease? Spend 10 minutes on a few days each week and take advantage of nature's gift.

7) Let me say you something you all like: “Eat Chocolate”

The Polyphenols in dark chocolate help increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. Some studies have suggested that a person with a heart attack improves their condition faster if they consume a little chocolate every day. How much chocolate to consume? Well, you only need to eat about 40 grams chocolates per day that contains 70% cocoa.

8) Stress Management

It is not wrong to say that today’s time is the time of mental stress. These days even young children are falling a victim of stress. Stress increases the risk of heart attack by 30%. Therefore, managing stress is very important. Yoga-meditation came to mind again. The Pranayama and meditation shown in yoga are really very beneficial in mental stress. Now you may find some trace management class in your cities, you can also attain it. Walking for 30 minutes is an easy way to reduce stress.

9) Let's do Tai-Chi

People who do regular Tai-Chi have lower blood pressure and heart disease rates.

10) Be positive

There is no guarantee of life and even if we do all the "right" things we can get sick. Even if you have a heart attack, long-term survival and quality of life can be improved by adopting an optimistic outlook of life. To say positive here does not mean to be unreal at all. 

If you use the very simple principles mentioned above, it is very likely that you will not have heart problems and those who have had to rely on pills due to heart problems will be able to reduce that dependence and enjoy good health.
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