Who was Joseph Goebbels? what happened with him after WWII ?

Joseph Goebbels - Hitler's Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany

If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as truth

The above sentence is of Paul Joseph Goebbels, who is often touted as one of the world's greatest liars, but the truth is that Goebbels has refrained to distort the facts while campaigning for a Nazi regime during World War II. 

It did not seem necessary for him to proclaim anything completely different from reality, as his original aim was not to alienate the German people.

Goebbels was a staunch Nazi and clearly believed that only a Nazi regime could restore Germany's lost glory as a nation in World War I through war. The war was a test and the German people had to suffer immensely. 

In all, millions of homes were to be turned upside down. In this situation, Goebbels drew a rosy picture of Germany's victory in World War II, citing a number of historical events, to keep the public's spirits high during the long black night of the war and to encourage the Nazi force to support them.

Goebbels' propaganda skills were extraordinary. The difference is that history was not on Germany's side yet most Germans’ remained loyal to Hitler's regime even in the midst of catastrophes, as long as German Newspapers, radio stations, magazines, and local newspapers continued to spread his speeches and opinions. 

Goebbels himself, who had played a leading role in bringing Hitler to power, remained loyal to him until the very end.

Joseph Goebbels - Hitler's Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany

Germany was defeated in World War II, and many Nazi officers left Hitler when enemy forces arrived on the border. But Goebbels was with him in a cement-concrete bunker in Berlin, including his family. On April 30, 1945, Hitler appointed Goebbels as his successor before committing suicide. 

Goebbels, however, did not have time to enjoy the position. The next day, he and his wife poisoned six children, put them to sleep, and then ordered the armed guards to fire a rifle, killing them.

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