Does Corona Virus came from outer space ?

Does Corona Virus came from outer space ?

"Extra ordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence"
If you want the answer straight away then answer is "No". As Corona Virus growing fast; people are restless and looking for answers and explanations. People look up whenever they are in angst; hence, the theory propels like what if Corona came to Earth from some meteors like outer objects.

Theoretically, biological material could survive on space rock, lie dormant and continue to survive, if they properly shielded from radiation in space. Despite these theoretical possibilities, there are no evidence to show that corona came from outer space. 

In the past, some claimed that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) came from space and in this regard, even a book was published by famous scientist Fred Hoyle (Steady- state theory guy) in 1970. He tried hard to prove that SARS or Influenza have came from space. 

However, most of the scientist rebuked it and call it a "bad idea"

On scientists part: they say if this virus came from outer space then it should be different form of life. However in this case, there are ample evidence that Covid-19 is a part of Earth virus niche. 

Well, it seem to be like "Corona from space", is nothing more then hoax.
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