Q. What is the annual average temperature of Earth?

A. Because of global warming, the average temperature rise to 0.580 Celsius, today annual average temperature of Earth is 140 Celsius. Northern Hemisphere burns more and the figure is 14.60 Celsius, while in Southern Hemisphere it counts @ 13.40 Celsius. 

The reason for the difference is Arctic Circle, stretched 20,000,000 km (7,700,000 sq mi) and covers 4% of Earth's surface. Another reason is that the land area in the southern hemisphere is less. 
 Temperature of Earth

The Earth's annual average temperature southern hemisphere is about 15 degrees Celsius. The temperature on Earth depends on many factors. These include latitude, altitude, and over which ocean the temperatures are measured. 

The Earth's temperature also depends on whether it is day or night. The highest average temperature on Earth is found in the deserts, the lowest average temperature is found in the Arctic.

This is of course a figure that fluctuates depending on the season and time of day. If we're talking about the average temperature at sea level, that's 59.9 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If we're talking about the average temperature of the entire planet, it's only 55.8 degrees Fahrenheit. (I know, I was surprised too. I thought the Earth was colder than that.

The hottest temperature ever recorded is 56.7 degrees Celsius which is the highest temperature recorded on the Earth.

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